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SCORPIUS by John Gardner (Charter: $4.50). An all new story with the same shrewd, intelligent, quick-witted, debonair, dangerous Bond.

SMOKE AND MIRRORS by Barbara Michaels (Berkley: $4.95). Erin Hartsock’s nascent efforts into Washington politics could place her in line as a candidate for murder.

THE LYRE OF ORPHEUS by Robertson Davies (Penguin: $8.95). Deception, intrigue and revenge are the separate agendas of major players at a prestigious foundation.


LANDSCAPES OF A NEW LAND: Short Stories by Latin American Women Writers, edited by Marjorie Agosin (White Pine: $10). Twenty stories by women who have earned reputations in the 10 countries represented.


FUMBLING THE FUTURE: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored, the First Personal Computer by Douglas K. Smith and Robert C. Alexander (Quill: $9.95). Xerox missed the opportunity to become a leader in the personal computer industry though it had the manufacturing technology and capability before Apple and IBM.

INNUMERACY: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Social Consequences by John Allen Paulos (Vintage: $7.95). Individuals and societies fail to make rational and resonable decisions on issues from drug testing, terrorists attacks, to choice of mate because they do not understand basic mathematical concepts.


TOUCHING THE VOID by Joe Simpson (Perennial: $8.95). Simpson survives a mountain-climbing trip after falling off a 21,00-foot peak in the Andes, breaking his leg and wandering around without food and water for three days.


ERNST & YOUNG’S ARTHUR YOUNG TAX GUIDE 1990 by Ernst and Young, edited by Peter W. Bernstein (Ballantine: $11.95). This sixth annual edition includes usable 1989 federal tax forms, a tax calendar and organizer and 40 of the most easily overlooked deductions.
