
Wilshire Corridor Condo Fires


When I walked away from my burning apartment building on the morning of Dec. 23rd, I was sure I would never see my belongings again. The Devonshire was ablaze and I felt grateful that my friend Carol and I were alive. At my aunt’s suggestion we returned to look at the ruins in the hope that something could be saved.

Carol and I retraced our steps up Comstock and Wilshire around the corner to Devon Street. I approached one of the firefighters and pointed to my apartment. The penthouse and surrounding apartments were gone, still smoking; all around my apartment there was shattered glass and debris. A group of firefighters led us to Apartment 2 and opened the door. What an amazing sight! My personal belongings were carefully placed in the center of each room, protected from brown chemical waterfalls by plastic tarps.

My eternal gratitude to the brave firefighters who took the time in the middle of Los Angeles’ largest fire to save what remained of order in my life. Thanks also for their humor and sensitivity in the center of such chaos. I wish I knew exactly who demonstrated this kindness; you have my deepest thanks.



Studio City
