
Officials Release Man Arrested After $700,000 Fire at Los Feliz Condo Project

From a Times Staff Writer

A man who had been described as a suspect in a $700,000 fire that destroyed a two-story condominium project under construction in the Los Feliz area Friday has been released.

The man had been arrested in connection with the fire at 4440 Avocado St. But he was released after questioning Friday night, said Pat Marek, a spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department.

Marek declined to say whether the man, whose identity was not revealed, remains a suspect.

The fire that engulfed the project’s two buildings, each containing four dwelling units, was being listed Saturday as still under investigation.


On Friday, Fire Department Division Cmdr. Jim Young said arson was “a possibility,” in part because of the speed with which the project was engulfed in flames.

There have been several recent arson fires at condominium projects under construction in and around the city, including one on Dec. 23 in Westwood that caused $25 million in damage to a project and 15 surrounding buildings.

Fire officials did not say whether they believe any of these recent fires are related.
