
Rallying in Crisis


Newport Beach has unfortunately been given a bad rap, so to speak. With all the “new money,” high technology, increased development and, most recently, the “not in my back yard” philosophy, it is no wonder that, to many, we are a very superficial community.

I, however, disagree greatly. In light of our current disaster, that being the horrendous oil spill, I would venture to say that all of Newport Beach (not to mention our neighboring communities) has really rallied together to show that we do care. It’s distressing that it takes a disaster of this magnitude to show others that we are truly environmentally aware.

I, personally, remember learning how to swim in the channel near Newport Island in the early 1960s. I am afraid that it is now very possible that my children will say in the not-too-distant future, “I remember learning to swim in that big ocean out there before it was so polluted.”


My wish is that the environment becomes the issue of the ‘90s and that soon our beaches will return to normal. (That will happen) only with the aid and concern of everyone who enjoys the ocean. We do care what happens to our planet, and hopefully we can be recognized as the caring, supportive and aware group of citizens we deserve to be.


Newport Beach
