
Messenger Killed by Hit-and-Run Driver

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A messenger making a delivery in Redondo Beach was killed Friday night by a hit-and-run driver as he got out of his van in the 700 block of the Esplanade.

Redondo Beach Sgt. Gary Wiley said Saturday that Leslie Donovan, 32, a Redondo Beach resident, was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter, felony hit-and-run and felony drunk driving.

The dead man is Ronald Johnson, 49, a Carson resident.

Wiley said Johnson had parked his van on the west side of the street about 9:18 p.m. and was getting out when a car traveling southbound struck him and then continued on its way. A witness to the accident chased the car, flagged down a police officer and pointed out the car, Wiley said. The officer stopped the car and detained its driver.


Johnson was taken to Harbor UCLA Medical Center, where he died at 10:26 p.m. of massive head injuries, Wiley said.
