
Can Officials and Developers Talk? Sure, Just Do It in Public


The Times is to be commended for noting the peculiar perspective of Planning Commissioner Douglas Leavenworth. One wonders at the number of invitations to golf and lunch he would receive from various developers were he Mr. Ordinary. It would be surprising, indeed, if his engagement calendar held anything but air.

The Times, however, must be chided for not taking the opportunity to applaud the shock and outrage expressed by Supervisor Don Roth on discovering that his appointee had exceeded the limits of decency in accepting $115 in perks over and above the $250 allowed by law.

It is, after all, such vigilance as exemplified by all of our Board of Supervisors that has kept this county virtually pristine, the hills uncrowded by the tokens of developers’ greed and influence, the free-flowing traffic, the clean air, the concern for minorities and the poor . . . the careful and reluctant issuance of permits and easements so coveted by those who view Orange County as just another piece of dirt for development; but especially, oh, especially, the farsighted leadership which has wrought this Nirvana.


I was shocked at the shock expressed by a cynic at Roth’s shock. The guy was obviously new to Orange County or simply didn’t stay informed about the way business is done in these parts.


