
Sheriff’s Race


According to some in the news media, people in the Sheriff’s Department are supporting Jack Drown for sheriff because they are comfortable and complacent with the “status quo.”

However, the “status quo” for the last few years has included a nonstop attack on the department by a few reporters, jails built for 120 inmates that have routinely housed 750, and jails built with Styrofoam walls by previous supervisors to save a few dollars. The list goes on.

I, for one, am supporting Jack Drown for sheriff precisely because he is the most qualified candidate to change the current “status quo” for the better. He has an excellent working relationship with the Board of Supervisors, and that asset will be vitally important in solving the problems that are facing the county in the next few years.


In fact, Drown has an excellent working relationship with every allied law enforcement and governmental agency that the Sheriff’s Department deals with, an asset his opponent cannot claim. Jack Drown has demonstrated that he can achieve and accomplish difficult tasks whenever he has undertaken a new assignment in the Sheriff’s Department for the last 21 years.

The reason that so many in the department support him is not because they envision a life of ease under his leadership, but because he is the proven law enforcement professional in this race. He has worked hard to earn the support that he enjoys, and he deserves to be elected sheriff on Nov. 6.

