
Satellite Dish Law to Be Discussed

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The Glendale City Council has scheduled two public hearings on whether to allow homeowners to place satellite-dish antennas on their roofs.

Under proposed ordinance revisions, residents would have to get approval from the city’s design review boards before installing the antennas and would have to screen them from view.

Rooftop placement of the dishes is now prohibited, and those installed on the ground must be screened.


Two lawsuits were filed this year against the city contending that its prohibition of rooftop antennas violates homeowners’ constitutional rights and does not comply with federal satellite-dish guidelines.

Antennas smaller than three feet in diameter would be exempt from the new laws.

Dishes placed in back yards in a structure less than eight feet high would require some screening and a building permit, but not a design board review.

Public hearings on the proposed revisions will be held Jan. 14 before the Planning Commission and Jan. 29 before the City Council.
