
OAK VIEW : Farming a Priority in Casitas Rationing

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Farmers would fare better than other customers under a proposed water allocation plan for Casitas Municipal Water District.

But about 60 growers who packed a district workshop Thursday in Oak View were told that they would face higher rates if they exceed their water allocations. The plan would begin water rationing in the Ojai Valley after July 1.

Casitas General Manager John Johnson promised the growers that the district board considers its 277 agricultural customers a top priority for water allocations under the plan.


Residential and industrial customers would be required to cut back at least 20% from their 1989-90 water usage. But farmers could use the same amount or up to 2.5 acre-feet of water a year for each acre of crop, whichever is less.

Still, Johnson said, he expects farmers to cut back to take advantage of incentives proposed in the plan.

Farmers and other customers who use 10% more than their allocations for two billing periods would pay twice their normal rate for the next 11 months.


Those who continue to use more than 10% over their allotments for three billing periods would pay five times their normal rate.

“There’s going to be a real incentive to stay within your allocation,” Johnson said.

“It quickly gets very, very expensive not to.”

Household allocations would equal 425 gallons per day under the plan. Among the district’s 2,800 customers are 17 water resale agencies that would have to adopt similar measures, Johnson said.

A workshop for residential customers will be held April 4.

A public hearing to adopt the plan is scheduled for April 16.
