
Gates Denies That 4 Officers Are Targeted for Dismissal


Police Chief Daryl F. Gates on Wednesday took issue with a Los Angeles Times report that his department is seeking the dismissal of four police officers indicted in the March 3 beating of Rodney G. King.

Gates said the only pending recommendations before him were that the four officers--Sgt. Stacey C. Koon and Officers Theodore J. Briseno, Laurence M. Powell and Timothy E. Wind--appear at administrative hearings to respond to allegations that they used excessive force against King, a black Altadena motorist who was hospitalized for his injuries.

“There’s no recommendation to fire the officers. That comes from the Board of Rights to me,” Gates said outside a Northridge hospital, where he presented a Meritorious Service Medal to a reserve officer suffering from multiple sclerosis.


“Unlike others,” Gates said, “we allow the officers to have a hearing before we hang them. We do go through a due process.”

The Times stood by its story Wednesday.

Managing Editor George Cotliar said: “As the article noted, the Internal Affairs documents obtained by our reporter state clearly in the Penalty Recommendation section that the Police Department has leveled 11 separate administrative allegations, and that for Koon, Powell and Briseno ‘the allegations of misconduct in this case are such that retention is not warranted.’

“For Wind, who is a rookie employee and has not yet completed his 18-month probationary period, the documents state: ‘Due to the seriousness of the sustained allegations in this case, it is recommended that Officer Wind be TERMINATED ON PROBATION ( sic ).’

“This distinction was reported in the article,” Cotliar said. “It also made clear the steps that must be followed to fire Los Angeles police officers and that the final decision lies with the chief.”
