
San Diego


The manager of San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium said Thursday he is not seeking a ban on alcohol during San Diego State University games despite a melee at the SDSU-UCLA football game Sept. 26.

The Stadium Authority Board of Directors discussed the disruption at its meeting Thursday, but no action will be taken until at least next week.

But changing the rules on alcohol, which police identified as a common element in the many fights that broke out in the SDSU student section, might not be one of the changes made.


“That’s overreacting,” Stadium Manager Bill Wilson said. “It’s like throwing the baby out with the bath water. You need to be careful not to overreact.”

Fred Miller, SDSU athletic director, and Jim Herrick, an SDSU associate athletic director who oversees staging, are both out of town this week, but Miller has said he does not think a ban on alcohol will solve the problem.

SDSU officials, stadium security personnel and the police will huddle Tuesday as part of a continuing effort to sort through what happened and ascertain why it happened.

The board also called for a special October meeting of the Facility Committee, a subcommittee of the Stadium Authority Board.
