
Appeals Cloud Majority Rule Concept


Re “Appeals Court Lets County’s Transportation Sales Tax Stand” (March 18): I always thought that democracy was rule by a majority of the people.

Measure M was approved in November of 1990 by 55% (a majority) of us (the voters). We approved a half-cent sales tax increase to fund desperately needed transportation projects. Sixteen months later, we have not spent a dime on transportation projects, only $250,000 on attorney’s fees and $2,000 in court costs to defend ourselves against the “plaintiffs,” Drivers for Highway Safety, the Libertarian Central Committee of Orange County and Citizens Against Unfair Taxation, among others.

These special-interest groups, numbering many less than the majority who had already expressed themselves in November of 1990, have wasted our money, time and hundreds of potential jobs in Orange County!


The appellate court ruling is hope-- meritless was the key word. But why is the minority allowed to control the desires and needs of the majority through four court decisions and 16 months of our lives? I feel robbed!

If a powerful political right like eminent domain can be used to achieve something for the good of the larger populace, then why do we not have a mechanism to keep something as simple as funding for transportation on track?

JOSEPH G. TRUXAW, Fountain Valley
