
Rioting in Los Angeles


I am a middle-aged Korean man and I would just like to say that I’m extremely angry with the LAPD for their outrageous actions. I understand that their forces are substantially fewer than the massive populace of the area. They cannot possibly be everywhere to stop every crime and help everyone in need. So what is wrong with people trying to look out for their businesses themselves? While the police and firefighters were busy doing what they could, many small Korean businesses were being looted and burned.

The reason why I’m so upset is that some of these poor, honest workers unfortunately had no choice but to protect their property with weapons because the police would not respond to their desperate calls. And while the cops let looters run wild and rape our city, they somehow had plenty of time to bother distraught Korean shop owners guarding their stores. How can the owner of a business just sit back and watch his life be burned to the ground?

JIMMY CHOE, Los Angeles
