
Economic Aid for Los Angeles

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It is hard to believe that justice was served in the manner that the jury handed down the (Rodney G. King trial) verdict.

It is no longer hard to believe that our government officials and leaders, including minority leaders, are so willing to continue to perpetuate the ineffective and irresponsible practice of dumping millions of dollars into riot areas without a plan and without someone specifically designated to be accountable for that money. In addition to public funds being indiscriminately thrown away, banks are also voluntarily, or pressured into, participating in this giveaway.

These same institutions who will give away money irresponsibly refuse to provide legitimate loans to businesses who have years of proven performance. Because I am a white male business owner (who has on the staff one black, one Asian and three women), I am excluded from bank loans, SBA loans, lines of credit and the bulk of local, state and federal contracts which I would normally be able to bid because the business is not minority- or woman-owned.


