
Richard Has Supporters--and Detractors


I thought the article about Councilman Isaac Richard (Times, May 31) was excellent.

I am a Pasadena resident, and although I am not in Mr. Richard’s district, I was in support of his being elected. It must be very hard for some to know how to deal with his aggressive and sometimes explosive personality, but in my opinion he is the most honest council member I have ever witnessed.

I believe many people like myself have lost faith in politicians and what they claim they are going to do.

Mr. Richard is real! He cares about people. He is making changes in the Northwest for the better. He is an asset to our community. He is full of energy and doing his job. I thought that’s why he was elected.


I, for one, am proud to know him. I am grateful that he is a member of the Pasadena council.


