
At Least Super Bowl Didn’t Fail to Live Up to His Expectations


The Super Bowl invariably gives rise to a lot of stupid commentary, and the stupidest as put forth on the pages of The Times is that the difference between the AFC and NFC is a matter of philosophy. Your writers would have us believe that these groups each follow two monolithic, diametrically opposed ideologies--as if we were talking about the Anarchists Football Conference and the Neoconservative Football Conference.

The truth of the matter is that winning is built on talent, and the ability to judge talent is rare. For the past couple of years the NFC has had a monopoly on the few guys who judge it best. Philosophy follows personality. If Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson had taken over the New England Patriots four years ago, they would have been in the winners’ locker room at Pasadena last Sunday, and it wouldn’t have had anything to do with AFC vs. NFC styles of football.

(OK, maybe they wouldn’t have been in that locker room, but they wouldn’t have been 1-15 either).



Thousand Oaks
