
Earthquake: The Long Road Back : Board Cancels Meeting About Coyote Trapping


A scheduled meeting Monday of the city’s Board of Animal Regulation Commissioners to discuss a 7-month-old ban on coyote trapping has been canceled due to concern about earthquake safety at the meeting site.

The meeting location, the Reseda Senior Citizen Center, suffered some earthquake damage and may not be safe for a meeting of many people, said Nancy Moriarty, spokeswoman for the Animal Regulation Department.

She said her department had not scheduled a new date or site for the meeting.

Since the Animal Regulation Commission voted in June to ban coyote trapping by city employees, residents in the West San Fernando Valley have reported an increase in coyote sightings, particularly in hillside neighborhoods.


Prompted by the increased sightings, the commission has agreed to review the decision to end coyote trapping.
