
Super-Hero Imperfection


My passion is comic books. When I looked in your Dec. 5 edition I saw the Youth Opinion feature about comic books (“Comic Super-Heroes: ‘Batman Has to Use His Brains More”). I was thrilled. Not only was the feature about comic books, but it portrayed them in a positive light. I was ecstatic as I discovered that you took the word of a 13-year-old seriously.

Before I went on, I read the quote. My instant reaction was, “Who in the world is Vealot? “ I saw underneath there was a section about WildC.A.T.s, one of my favorite books. I knew then that you meant Zealot and that Vealot was a typo.

I read the article and discovered that you used Vealot three times! And WildC.A.T.s was spelled wrong! I was upset!


If you produced a book you dedicated your life to, you would hope that a major newspaper with your quality would at least get the title and the characters’ names right!

I encourage you to have more articles about comic books, maybe in your Life & Style section. Who knows, maybe in four years I’ll be working under you in your comic book section. (Just a thought and wishful thinking!)


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