
The Trial of the . . ....


The Trial of the . . . Centuries? One of the sponsors of the O.J. trial on KNX radio is the Western State University College of Law, which is understandable.

But we think the school is missing an obvious angle in its ads. It should be telling potential applicants:

“Hey, kids! Enroll now! At the rate this trial is progressing, you’ll have plenty of time to graduate, pass the Bar and join either the O.J. prosecution or the defense team!”



Pray for sun: Hilary Henson of Pacific Palisades found a church marquee (see photo) that reminded her of the reason she moved to Southern California. But, she says, Mother Nature “hasn’t done too well at supplying the object of my adoration recently.”


Seems like it was Christmas just last month: From looking at his store receipt (see photo), C.E. Hall of Santa Paula concluded that the holiday season rolls around earlier every year.


License plaints: Our list of personalized plates that reflect the L.A. driving experience continues to grow. You may recall it includes HATE 405, GDDM 405, and YMINLA (as well as the bumper sticker “The 91 Freeway Sucks”).

Now, Brad Johnson writes to say that he noticed a Mercedes displaying: PCH CLSD.

Which reminds us of the plate referring to the Ultimate SigAlert:

W8 4D BG1.


The list that swung the Rams’ deal? Nancy Mullen’s brother-in-law, who lives in St. Louis, sent her a list that had been circulating there for months--”The Top 10 Reasons Why the Rams Should Move Here From Los Angeles.”

Here’s our Top 5 of the Top 10:

* “Rams merchandise and clothing never caught on with L.A. street gangs.”

* “L.A. night life isn’t the same with Heidi Fleiss out of business.”

* “Players growing tired of relying on mudslides to put out wildfires near their homes.”

* “Rams games no longer broadcast in L.A. since televised beatings were banned after the Rodney King video.”

And, finally:

* “Instead of socializing with fake L.A. crowd, Rams owner Georgia Frontiere can socialize with fake St. Louis crowd.”



Nuclear power? Yeah, I had it in shop class: Linda Mann of Sherman Oaks saw an ad for “nuclear power trainees,” which stipulated that applicants must be “high school graduates . . . Algebra required. Physics helpful.”

Said Mann: “Reminds me a bit of a ‘Simpsons’ episode.” She meant the nighttime TV show starring Homer, not the daytime one with O.J.

miscelLAny David Reid of West Hollywood points out that on the opening day of arguments in the O.J. Simpson case, the winning Daily 3 numbers were 0-3-2, which were reminiscent of the great USC running back’s numeral. You mean even the California Lottery is trying to capitalize on the trial?

Is Christmas in March next?
