
SEAL BEACH : Measure R Debate at Leisure World Today


Supporters and opponents of Measure R, the proposed half-cent county sales tax increase, will gather for a debate this morning at Leisure World.

Measure R advocate Bill Mitchell, president of Orange County Common Cause, will square off against tax opponent Mark Petracca, a UC Irvine political scientist.

The debate, sponsored by the Leisure World Democratic Club, begins at 10 a.m. today in the 8,700-resident private retirement community. Attendance is open to all Seal Beach area seniors free of charge.


“There are a lot of people in Leisure World who think they’re part of Los Angeles County,” Democratic Club program chairman Walter Gobas said. “They need to know that if this passes, it’s going to hit their wallets.”

The debate will be held in St. Andrews Clubhouse 4 and will be taped by Comcast Cablevision. It will be broadcast twice on Channel 3 in Seal Beach before the June 27 election.
