


The Times generally is effective in reporting on the multiethnic community. Still, the writing and photography for “A Conversation With the Soul of Mexico” (by Anthony Day and Sergio Mun~oz, April 30) were outstanding. Cheers for assigning the art and writing to people of the ethnic group being reported on. Poet Octavio Paz, Mun~oz, Day and photographers Manuel Alvarez Bravo and Ricardo Salazar have indeed captured the essence of Mexico. Euvonne Chiuco Palmdale

Mun~oz and Day talk about intellectuals being the great voices of social commentary in Latin societies, but where are these types of voices in America today? In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City tragedy, as we all grope to find a meaningful perspective on the forces at work in our society, we desperately need to hear from our literary heroes--those men and women who are the conscience of our country, who rise above factional ideologies to give us deeper insight into our hearts and minds? The media must bring them forward. Kamila Jeevanjee Los Angeles
