
Countywide : Weather Gives Area a Warm Reception


After the rains and cloudy days of the past few weeks, Ventura County residents were treated Wednesday to a day of sunshine and temperatures that reached a high of 89 in Ojai.

Northeast winds, traveling through the California deserts, were compressed by a high pressure creating the warm temperatures, said Clay Morgan, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Oxnard.

At noon, Point Mugu reached a high of 84 degrees, while Oxnard and Camarillo hit 82 and Ventura 80.


“This warm wave has confused people,” Morgan said, adding that the weather service received hundreds of calls from local residents.

“But this is not so unusual during the winter.”

Temperatures are expected to remain the same today. By Friday, a cold front from the Northwest will bring in more sea breeze and cooler temperatures, Morgan said.
