
Redondo Beach Pier

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* Re “Complaints Spur Proposal to Lower Parking Rate at Pier,” June 13: Before its tidal-wave and fire destruction, the U-shaped Redondo Beach Pier was a series of revenue-reaping shops and restaurants. Now, the decorative new pier offers only strolling, sunning and fishing area for visitors.

Where was the logic of expecting more money to come from less public spending opportunity: hence the increased parking rates, hence less tourism? The biggest catch from that pier is 22.


Redondo Beach

* On June 3 The Times ran an article regarding the Redondo Beach Pier and the concern on the part of the pier business owners and city officials about the drop in number of visitors to the pier.


I am at the pier several times a week. Usually on my bike, sometimes in my car. One glaring deficiency above all others that I see is the restroom facilities, which are gross and totally inadequate. They consist of six coed stalls. Not even a sink in which to wash one’s hands. I find the situation so bad that I make sure I won’t be there long enough that I must use the restrooms. There’s even a sign on the wall with an arrow that says “Restroom Line.”

I find it incredible that a city like Redondo Beach would spend millions of dollars constructing a really beautiful pier and not provide decent men’s and women’s restroom facilities complete with sinks.


