
Logging and Wildfires


The Aug. 14 commentary by Bill Coates (“Nature Needs a Hand to Prevent Fires”) was very misleading and painted far too rosy a picture of man’s ability to prevent wildfire.

Coates argues that extensive logging is necessary to reduce fire risk in California forests. Science disagrees. The recent Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project report, a comprehensive study of Sierra forest conditions, concluded that “timber harvest .J.J. has increased fire severity more than any other human activity.” The type of logging Coates favors will often increase fire risk.

All agree that reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire is a priority for all California forests. But the contention that the Forest Service should not be “hobbled” by environmental laws or citizens’ democratic rights as it slashes away at our national forests with bulldozers and chain saws is outrageous. Such an approach will not lead to a reduction of fire risk, but will plunge us back to the era of uncontrolled cutting of national forests.



California Director

Western Ancient Forest Campaign

