
A consumer’s guide to the best and worst of sports media and merchandise. Ground rules: If it can be read, played, heard, observed, worn, viewed, dialed or downloaded, it’s in play here.


What: “The Tennis Server”

(Tenagra Corp.)


The first click into this site was something of a double fault:

“Many thanks to our visitors.”

What follows is a mind-numbing list of countries. It’s nice to know there are tennis fans in Saint Lucia and Moldova and that the good folks in the Faroe Islands have something else to rally around besides the horrid national soccer team.

You want design and artistry? Find another web page.

But wait . . . it gets better. For those who are graphically challenged (myself included), the content is thorough and cuts across the spectrum of interest, featuring playing tips, sports psychology as well as relatively up-to-date articles on the professional and collegiate game.

This being a busy Monday morning in cyberspace, information was rather slow in popping up. (And no, we weren’t on that much-derided on-line service that starts with an A.)


Five attempts to reach the server’s Tennis Warehouse went for naught, so the new tennis racket will have to wait.

Additionally, the site was filled with comprehensive links to other valuable venues for the tennis-loving fan.

A few clicks later and there was the Ines Gorrochategui Stats Page, a devoted tribute to the Argentine player who reached No. 77 in the world on the women’s tour after losing in the third round at the Australian Open.

Links to information about German and Dutch tennis players weren’t as attainable. Upon entering the NOS Teletext in Dutch, the journey came to a sudden halt with the stern-looking warning: Foutmelding!

Sounds like the Dutch equivalent to foot fault.
