
Assembly OKs Bill to Combine Water Agencies


The Assembly approved a bill Wednesday that seeks to streamline local government in Orange County by spurring water districts to consolidate with adjoining agencies.

The measure by Assembly GOP Leader Curt Pringle (R-Garden Grove) was approved on a 52-8 vote despite grumbling by labor unions and some of the water agencies.

Under terms of the legislation, which now moves to the Senate, the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission would be required to begin efforts to merge seven water districts into three.


In addition, several other water, irrigation and sanitary districts would be eyed for merger with cities they serve. Wholesale water deals currently handled by a variety of districts would be consolidated into one agency.

If enough voters or landowners protested, elections would be held to allow residents to either approve or reject the various mergers. The bill prohibits the districts from using their funds to campaign in the elections.

With more than 30 water or sewer agencies in Orange County, Pringle contends cost-savings can be realized if many of the districts consolidate.

But labor leaders have been wary that the mergers could cost some workers their jobs and some water district leaders have jealously guarded their turf.

Over the years, the Orange County Grand Jury has repeatedly suggested a consolidation effort be undertaken. More recently, districts in South County have studied merger options.
