
Relatives Seek Public’s Help in Finding Missing Kayaker


Relatives of a missing Dana Point woman, who authorities believe was blown out to sea while kayaking along Doheny State Beach last week, pleaded for the public’s help Saturday in trying to find clues on her whereabouts.

A search for Claudia Mathieu, 37, who was reported missing Thursday, was called off Friday after authorities using boats and helicopters scoured about 1,000 square miles of ocean stretching from Dana Point to Catalina Island.

Investigators think Mathieu went kayaking alone Wednesday morning because she had told a friend earlier in the week she was planning to take to the ocean that day. Mathieu’s gray kayak is missing, and her car was found parked at the harbor. A small-craft advisory was in effect Wednesday morning.


“It’s not certain that she was in the kayak because no one has come forward to say they saw her in a boat,” her sister-in-law, Susan Mathieu, said. “We ask that anyone who might have seen something Wednesday, or later finds something, to contact officials.”

While there is no longer a search, the investigation is continuing, Harbor Patrol Sgt. Mike Hiller said.

“We are still on the lookout,” Hiller said. “The Santa Ana winds have died down, so now we’re waiting to see if the kayak will show up.”

There is no evidence of foul play, Hiller said.

Authorities ask anyone with information to call the Sheriff’s Department at (714) 834-6490.
