
Boy Burned During Game Still in Stable Condition


A 10-year-old boy who was badly burned when a group of boys lit him on fire during “a game that got out of hand” in a Leimert Park backyard remained in stable condition Tuesday at County-USC Medical Center and a 14-year old boy was arrested in connection with the incident, police said.

The victim, whose name was not released, was “in very good spirits,” said Los Angeles Police Department Det. Sheila Harris, who visited the boy in the hospital. He suffered second-degree burns over 50% of his torso after the youths poured rubbing alcohol over him, then lit his shirt with a candle, she said.

The boy who was arrested was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon: the alcohol and candles. He was released to his parents.


“It appears that they did not deliberately attempt to hurt him,” Harris said. The boys, ages 8 to 14, had been dousing their fingers and clothes, setting them afire, then blowing the flame out before it became too hot, she said.

When the the victim was torched, he panicked. “One of the boys put out the flames with water,” Harris said. “They were all very remorseful about the incident.”
