
Packers’ White Isn’t Ready to Leave NFL Behind, After All

Associated Press

Only two days after announcing his retirement from pro football, Reggie White changed his mind Tuesday and said he intended to play for the Green Bay Packers next season.

“I have reevaluated my decision,” White said in a statement released by the Packers. “I decided I would not retire and that I would play one more year.”

On Sunday, Coach Mike Holmgren said the 36-year-old defensive end told him that he was retiring because of a bad back that bothered him most of last season. White had planned a farewell news conference in Green Bay today.


The NFL’s all-time leading sacker, an ordained Baptist minister, said he would explain why he changed his mind at the news conference, which is still planned.

Packer spokesman Lee Remmel offered no details why White changed his mind.

“It is his decision and his story and he is going to explain that,” Remmel said.

According to CNN-Sports Illustrated, White was getting his back worked on Monday when “the Lord spoke to him and told him that he had to be a man of his word and play one more season for the Packers.”
