
Women Helping Children in Los Angeles needs...

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Women Helping Children in Los Angeles needs people for its One-on-One Summer Tutoring Program. Volunteers will tutor children and teenagers once or twice a week for three weeks in math and English. The sessions are July 6 through 24 and July 27 through Aug. 14. Training is provided. The group is a community service of the National Council of Jewish Women. Information: Amy Hayutin, (213) 651-2930, Ext. 238.

* Public Education Programs needs volunteers to staff booths at the Best of L.A. Festival from July 24 to 26 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. Information: (310) 446-4104.

* The Ananda Marga Feeding Program needs volunteers to help prepare and distribute free vegetarian meals to the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. Help is also needed for its organic farm in Lake Hughes. Information: Allen Thurm, (213) 225-3290.


* Glendale YWCA Domestic Violence Project needs men and women of all ethnic backgrounds to work with battered women and their children. Training is provided. Information: (818) 242-4155, Ext. 33.

* The Los Angeles Native American Center Inc., a nonprofit clinic, dental services provider and social services agency for Native Americans, needs volunteers, including medical and dental professionals, alcohol counselors, client advocates, grant writers and support staff. Information: (562) 920-7227.

* The San Gabriel Valley Community Outreach Program needs volunteers to assist in summer science day camp activities for children. Volunteers should have a science background. High school and college students welcome. Information: (626) 917-7591.


* Las Angelitas del Pueblo, the volunteer docent organization for El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument, needs people to lead tours of the old plaza and Olvera Street. Information: Lou Hilleary, (800) 208-0012.

* UCLA’s obstetrics and gynecology department is looking for women to take part in a six-month medical study of premenstrual syndrome. Candidates must be 18 to 40 years old, have regular menstrual periods and experience severe physical and psychological symptoms prior to menstruation with relief soon after the onset of the menstrual period. Some volunteers will take an experimental product that may alleviate symptoms of PMS; others will receive a placebo. Information: Linda Goldman, (310) 825-2452.

* The 1998 U.S. Senior Open, being held July 20 to 26 at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, needs volunteers in transportation, admissions, hospitality, communications and other areas. Volunteers are required to work at least 16 hours during the championship and must purchase a $95 volunteer package. Information: (888) 794-6498.


* Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
