
Sunday School Teacher to Stand Trial in 2 Rapes

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A Sunday school teacher was ordered Tuesday to stand trial on charges that he raped two women whom he met at church functions. After the attacks, he allegedly asked for forgiveness.

“Are you going to pray for me or expose me?,” Simon Pryce, 28, allegedly asked a 27-year-old Van Nuys woman after raping her in August, according to her testimony in Van Nuys Municipal Court.

She called the police.

During that investigation, another woman told police Pryce had raped her last summer, authorities said.


The women testified they met Pryce through the Church of the Harvest, 2600 S. La Brea, and that he talked his way into their apartments. Church officials could not be reached for comment.

Pryce said the sex was consensual, according to his lawyer, Alex Kessel.

At the end of preliminary hearing, Municipal Judge Leslie Dunn ruled there was enough evidence to try Pryce. He is being held in jail in lieu of $1.8 million bond.
