
Volunteers to Help Spruce Up City Today


More than 800 volunteers will take to the streets of Ventura today to clean, paint and donate their time during the eighth annual Make-a-Difference Day.

Volunteers working on 41 projects throughout the city will devote part of their weekend, along with 1.3 million others participating in the nationwide event.

Services include cleaning neighborhoods, feeding the homeless, renovating homes and schools and visiting the elderly.


By day’s end, volunteers from Ventura County Christian High School will join the Seabees in transforming the littered auditorium at Washington School into a classroom.

The Soroptimist International Club of Ventura will make Juanamaria Elementary School more colorful by painting a large map on the playground.

Several other volunteers will help rid areas of graffiti and plant more greenery to spruce up sites such as the Dudley House and other public buildings.

An awards ceremony and barbecue will be held at 1 p.m. today at Arroyo Verde Park to recognize groups that have made the most impact throughout the city.

Sign-ups for the event are scheduled for 8 a.m. on the top level of the city’s parking structure at 555 E. Santa Clara St. Free coffee and doughnuts will be available. The projects will begin at 9 a.m. and last until noon.
