
Low Voter Turnout


Re “How Much Does Low Turnout Matter?” Oct. 26: I read with interest your article on voter turnout. The reason for voter apathy has been evident to me for years: We don’t feel that what we vote for matters. The present political system has been removing the power of the voting public for years. As examples: We vote in a president and the opposition looks for ways to either render him ineffective or totally remove him from office; we vote for English language instruction only in our schools and the school districts look for loopholes so they can continue bilingual education. When we, more than likely, vote yes on Prop. 5, it will immediately be taken to court to stop its implementation.

When people feel that their vote only makes them less important or powerful, when they cannot trust that the person they vote for is telling them the truth, when they see that the propositions that they want are negated--and when the strategists believe that we should vote for the reasons the political parties want us to, instead of the reasons we feel are important--then voter turnout will continue to decline. To reverse this trend, give us what we want!


Rancho Santa Margarita


Re “Impeachment Backlash May Harm GOP in State,” Oct. 26: While I would strongly support Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for president in 2000, I’m voting the straight Democratic ticket this year. It’s the only vote I have against the Christian Coalition’s complete domination and control over the Republican Party.



Spring Valley, Calif.


Re “Bilingual Classes Still Thriving in Wake of Prop. 227,” Oct. 22: This is the exact reason why my husband and I have decided to stay away from the polls. Our vote does not count.


