
Sinking Section of Century Freeway


Re “Century Freeway: Caltrans’ ‘Dirty Little Secret,’ ” March 28:

The MTA and its multibillion-dollar underground fiasco. The Los Angeles school board and its $200-million Belmont mistake. Now Caltrans has reportedly spent $21.9 million to shore up a portion of the land supporting a section of the Century Freeway and didn’t bother to inform the Legislature or the public.

Now Caltrans will spend another $41 million in the hopes of rectifying its mistake. Every dollar being furnished by the taxpayers. Enough is enough. Let’s get these bums out of there and replace them with qualified, honest people who know the value of a buck.




While some governmental agencies are buying water and pumping it into depleted underground aquifers, Caltrans is pumping the water back out and dumping it into the river to be carried unused to the ocean. As I read this, I regretted that the Water Replenishment District was unable to deal with the problem. If ever there was a need for an agency to oversee our water resources, here it is.


I’d read about this little-known agency in The Times some time ago but was disappointed to find that, despite its wonderful title, it seems to do little more than act as a springboard for political aspirants, giving them a forum and a lavish expense account to woo voters. But guess what! The Water Replenishment District is doing something about this absurd waste of water. They’re making Caltrans pay them. How come I’m not reassured?




It’s refreshing to see that freeway projects can be just as corrupt and incompetently managed as rail projects. Now maybe the public will realize that rail projects are not in and of themselves the sole origin of all government waste.


Los Angeles
