
Outdated Institutions


Re “Millennium Mark Is a Good Time to Fix Our Anachronistic Systems,” National Perspective, July 5:

Yes, a varied and diverse roster of public institutions does demand retrofitting. Our institutions and the beliefs that they support have long been ineffective. Computers, increasing technology and global communications actually make our world a smaller place.

There are two even bigger changes we must make: Clean up our environment and stop all war. We have the know-how to clean up our environment, so let’s do it. And we can now develop more methods of solving conflict peacefully. Let’s expand our peace college to the status of our war academies, West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy. Expand teaching of win/win processes in all schools, in parenting classes and teacher training. It is already being done in many corporations. It’s good for business. It’s good for all of us. There would be more money and resources available to help our poor.


It’s time for these changes and I believe people are ready. I know I am.


Costa Mesa


Ronald Brownstein says lengthen the school day (and year) to improve public education. This would have been done years ago if it worked.

Actually, shorter classes are the answer. The Chicago high schools in the 1960s had 40-minute classes. The teachers taught for 35 minutes and there was homework for every class. Today most teachers split 55-minute classes with teaching and classwork. Classwork is really homework done in class. Journals, study guides, portfolios, special projects, videos and student presentations also reduce teaching time.

Let’s go back to the Chicago model of shorter classes. Then students will have the opportunity to learn, when they are forced to do their homework at home.


Newbury Park
