
Granada Hills Student’s Suicide

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* “Classmates Witness Youth’s Suicide” (Dec. 2), regarding the incident at Granada Hills High School where a student shot himself in front of students, mentioned that one girl shouted at a TV cameraman to leave and respect the victim. I wholeheartedly agree with this student. When the incident occurred, tension levels were obviously high. But the presence of media helicopters and vans with satellite uplinks vastly increased the tension and anxiety we experienced.

I am outraged that the TV media believe their version of the 1st Amendment trumps our school’s collective right to have privacy in the midst of tragedy. The media wonder why people often hate them. Here’s why.


Granada Hills High School


The tragic death of Kevin Leung shows the often hidden face of gun trauma that is gun suicide. More than half of gun deaths nationwide are from suicide. The 1999 statistics from the 25th Congressional District, which includes Granada Hills, include one teenage gun homicide and five gun suicides by young people between the ages of 16 and 18. Suicide attempts with guns are much more likely to be fatal than those with other means, where intervention is possible.


The Million Mom March is committed to preventing gun tragedy. There are six chapters in the Los Angeles area. Our San Fernando Valley Chapter meets monthly in Granada Hills. We are working to prevent gun trauma and provide services to victims and their families. Our hearts go out to Kevin’s family, and we grieve the loss of a promising young man. I hope this tragedy will encourage all of us to redouble our effort to prevent every kind of gun trauma. The Million Mom March welcomes your support and involvement.


San Fernando Valley Chapter

Million Mom March, Granada Hills
