
Cheers for Lopez and the Fuller Figure


Your article (“Lopez Defines Sensuality, Without Being Razor Thin,” March 3) struck a chord. Since when is a size 6 a full-figured woman? I always thought that was for maybe a 14 and up. It just irks me to think that someone like Elizabeth Hurley can think and even utter that Marilyn Monroe was fat. Monroe was one beautiful lady--she had her problems, but she was nice to look at.

I really didn’t think it was appropriate [for Lopez] to wear what she wore on TV. But I agree with you that she would look hot even in a suit because she is a pretty woman and carries herself nicely. That’s what makes her hot, not that she shows most of her naked body.


Via the Internet


Jennifer Lopez looks like 80% of the women around today--nourished and healthy. Most Latina women eschew the starved-bleached-wraith look because it is artificial. Thanks for going on record to defend us Natural Women!



Via the Internet


A new book is claiming that men rape because of the primitive man’s biology driving him to impregnate the largest possible number of women. This theory has been rejected by professionals and the public alike.

How then can [Times writer Barbara] Thomas cling to the same school of thought when she says men are attracted to women with Jennifer Lopez and Marilyn Monroe types of figures because they are signs of fertility? Isn’t that the other side of the same coin?

Give me a break! How about because they look warm, cozy, comfortable, nurturing and sexy?


