
A consumer’s guide to the best and worst of sports media and merchandise. Ground rules: If it can be read, played, heard, observed, worn, viewed, dialed or downloaded, it’s in play here.


What: sports shows

As if there weren’t enough sports shows on television, now there are sports shows on the Internet. offers three of them, on Channels 10, 11 and 12.

Other channels offer such things as a cooking show, a Martha Stewart-type home show and a show called “Oh For God’s Sake, I Don’t Get It,” in which the host tackles overexposed topics ranging from Pokemon to body piercing. Each biweekly show, about five minutes in duration, is shot and edited in a Hollywood studio.

All are cutting edge and off the wall.

On Channel 10 is something called “The Bookie’s Daughter,” which is certainly different. The host, Julie Nunis, is an actress, not a sports journalist.


She makes up for her lack of sports knowledge and reporting skills with antics that are . . . well, entertaining.

Nunis, a Texas graduate, has appeared on “NYPD Blue,” the soap opera “Port Charles,” and in several plays.

Of her college years, her bio says, “She was in the clink more times than she was in class.” Her father really is a bookie.

On Channel 11 is “Sports In Yer Face,” with Steve Wollenberg, who makes radio talk-show host Arnie Spanier seem mild-mannered. On Channel 12 is “Sportsgrrrrl,” with Courtney Gebhart. This show focuses on women’s sports.

Still, watching sports shows on the computer may take some getting used to.
