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Should boys be allowed to play on girls’ sports teams? Why or why not?


Esperanza, Softball

If a girl wants to wrestle [and] she’s putting herself into that position where she’s at a physical disadvantage, it should be her choice. But girls who are choosing to play against girls in a team sport shouldn’t be put at that same disadvantage. It’s kind of scary. I’ve watched girls play hockey with guys, and I would never do it. I love to be aggressive, but I just don’t trust them. They’re really strong and I don’t want to get hurt.


El Modena, Wrestling

If the sport is not offered as a boys’ sport, boys should still have the opportunity to participate. If a boy wants to go out for, let’s say, softball, and it’s OK with the coach and it doesn’t disrupt practice, then I think it’s OK. If a girl wants to go out for wrestling, I have no problem with that. As long as he or she is willing to put in the work and it’s not messing up the flow of practice.


Edison, Baseball

Boys should be able to play on female sports team. If girls are allowed to play on boys’ teams, then it should be the same way for girls’ sports. Although boys do have the athletic edge over girls, there must be a reason why they are playing on the girls’ team instead of the regular boys’ team.



Marina, Volleyball

It depends on what sport it is. If a girl can play on a football team or be on a wrestling team, then boys should be able to play on a girls’ team.


Canyon, Softball Coach

I totally reject the idea that boys should compete on any girls’ team in any sport. Generally, boys have the muscular strength and agility to overmatch most girls in most sports. This is not meant to imply that girls are not skilled and athletic in their own right, just that the average male would dominate the average female in a pure athletic endeavor, causing a gradual takeover of the female athletic teams and defeating 30-plus years of progress in women’s athletics.


La Quinta, Swimmer

Guys should be able to play on a girls’ sports team because right now it’s vice versa. Girls play on guys’ sports teams such as football. I see no reason as to why guys can’t play in our sports. If they feel comfortable with it, why not? Coed sports are really fun and it just proves how strong we are mentally and physically.



Edison, Cross-Country/Soccer

I do not believe that boys should be allowed to play on girls’ teams because they are stronger and they have an unfair speed and strength advantage. Boys have their own sports teams. They should have no need to be on the girls’ team in the first place.


Newport Beach, Fan

Well, they let girls wrestle on the boys’ team, so if they allow that, why shouldn’t they let boys play on the girls’ teams, especially if there isn’t an opportunity, like in field hockey? Women are not equal to men [physically] in most cases, but it is not a black and white issue. Now I can’t imagine, for instance, why some girls would want to wrestle, but I think if the team is behind it, then why not let the kid play?


Under what circumstances is it appropriate for parents to confront a coach about their child’s playing time or role on the team?
