
High-Speed Chase


Re “Freeway Chase Leads to Standoff,” June 21: Many observed via TV the most inept, ridiculous spectacle of many branches of our police failing to protect responsible San Gabriel Valley citizens, who expect to be protected from the criminals. The fiasco of nearly 12 hours--the high-speed chase for over four hours, the brandishing of a weapon and the closing down of the San Bernardino Freeway, one of our main arteries into and out of our cities--was one of the most irresponsible acts I have ever witnessed.

Complete traffic tie-ups that affected thousands in their normal commutes, creating an inability to get home to children who might be in day care, a confusion of side-street travel, high costs for gasoline and other problems, showed a chaos that should have been ended swiftly and not allowed to continue. This whole adventure was caused by one individual. God protect us from a true catastrophe!

Joanne C. Gates

San Clemente
