
Carter’s Decision Shows Real Character


Having spent the last five years trying to teach high school students in Santa Barbara County to abandon their reliance on negative stereotypes in judging individuals, I was shocked and saddened by Diane Pucin’s chastisement of the Toronto Raptors’ Vince Carter for attending his college graduation on the same day as the decisive seventh game of the NBA playoffs (Sports, May 22). One would think that high praise would be forthcoming for a young man who chooses to honor his college degree in a manner that might convey to hundreds of thousands of youngsters the importance of valuing a college education over the transitory glory of a basketball game.

When I glanced at the editorial page, I discovered “A Star Came Through,” which aptly pointed out that Carter had still arrived back from his graduation “fully five hours before game time.” The positive act of his fulfilling his promise to his mother to graduate will long outlive the loss of the game. Carter had to know that if his team lost there would be much criticism coming his way. His decision to take that risk shows evidence of real character and courage.

Michael P. Balaban

Santa Ynez, Calif.
