
Nothing Super About This Kind of Weather

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Well, the best team from each conference has made it to the Super Bowl. The NFL should realize it dodged a bullet.

Had New England beaten Pittsburgh in the regular season, the AFC game would have been played in a blizzard. Late January is no time to play football outdoors in the Northeast and Midwest -- for the players, the fans who sit through the games at the park, or the millions who would prefer skill to win out over happenstance. It is a game where elements can play a part but should not get the starring role.

Getting rid of the bye week will help. Shortening the exhibition season is the next step. Play four games if the revenue is a must, but eliminate the weeks off. Now, with the pictures of 38 inches of snow in Massachusetts fresh in everyone’s mind, is the time to act.


Andrew E. Rubin

Los Angeles


Let’s see, New England vs. Philadelphia.

Come back, Janet Jackson. All is forgiven.

Joe Gonzalez

Los Angeles
