
And the Oscar for Best Performance by a Dead Man Goes to ...


Actor-director George Clooney says some members of test audiences for “Good Night, and Good Luck,” his movie about broadcaster Edward R. Murrow, expressed admiration for the actor who played Sen. Joseph McCarthy. One problem: That wasn’t an actor. The movie used only newsreel footage of McCarthy.

Clooney quipped to the Washington Post: “We want to take out ads in the trades saying, ‘For your consideration for best supporting actor, Joe McCarthy,’ with quotes from Time magazine saying, ‘He’s mesmerizing!’ ”

Rental landmark: Brad Rumble of L.A. saw an auction ad that prompted him to wonder if, in addition to the bronzes and fountains, buyers would be able to purchase used car radios and steering wheels as well (see accompanying).


Another new hybrid: Neil Dixon of Venice was surprised to receive a permit from the city to trap an animal that is evidently part opossum and part cat (see accompanying).

Speaking of unique creatures: On a trip to England, Richard Miller found a hotel named after a one-of-a-kind barrister (see photo).

One-stop shopping: A store sign that seemed to point up the evils of demon rum caught the eye of Everette Fuqua of L.A. (see photo).

Excuse me! The broadcast news website says it received a note from a college student who was writing a term paper on “why anchors don’t seem ever to get hiccups.”

My guess: It’s because they only do what the TelePrompTer tells them to do.

Anyway, webmaster Ron Fineman asked for replies from anchors, the best of which was this from an anonymous talking head:

“I’ve never had them on the air, but it’s been close. I’ve had them just before going on the air, and gotten rid of them with the old method of drinking nine swallows of water while holding my breath.


“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else with this problem either. Maybe it’s an adrenaline thing that kicks in when we’re on.

“Wish it worked with sneezing, coughing and burping.”

miscelLAny: I see where October is Chain-Saw Safety Awareness Month.

Don’t know whether its sponsors are horror movie fans, but I think it’s fitting that the observance is in the same month as Halloween.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at
