


I can’t figure out if the L.A. Times has any interest in tennis or not. Over the last decade the coverage has been middling to indifferent. And now, for the past two years, the paper has engaged Chuck Culpepper to cover the French Open and Wimbledon.

Do you really think we tennis fans are enchanted by his tourist guide chatter interspersed with reports on the matches? Do you think more readers are drawn in by his histrionic prose? “It screamed off sickly to the right as if carried by vulture and bound for another time zone.”

To quote John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious.”

What we saw on TV was an incredible match of two great players in the Wimbledon final. It would have been nice to read an insightful recap in The Times’ Monday edition. Instead we got part farce, part op-ed and hyped language.


Patti Laursen

Eagle Rock
