
Dynasty Taylor

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At the age of 24, Dynasty Taylor founded her own nonprofit organization during her first year of graduate school at USC called Dynasty’s United Youth Association (DUYA). DUYA provides free educational and career services to youth ages 5-18, specifically targeting disenfranchised communities. In the process of forming DUYA, Taylor has established five library locations, partnered with three to four social services agencies, developed a curriculum, served over 800 students, recruited over 80 volunteers, assisted over 20 students with the matriculation process, and launched a Virtual Learning Accelerated program during the pandemic.

In addition to founding DUYA, Taylor is also the co-founder of Mental Health in the Hood. She provides a platform to educate, expand awareness, and allow everyday people to share their stories involving mental health in urban communities. Taylor also serves on the board of the Empowerment Congress South East Neighborhood Council.
