
For the record - March 28, 2012


GOP race: An article in the March 27 Section A about Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum criticizing President Obama’s healthcare program during campaign appearances said that Romney supporters were asked to contribute as much as $25,000 to attend a California fundraiser for the candidate. In fact, they were asked to raise up to $25,000.

Illinois taxes: An article in the March 20 Section A about tax increases in Illinois said that the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability in Chicago supports a flat tax. In fact, the center supports a graduated income tax, not a flat tax, to solve the state’s budget problems.

Lionel Richie duets: A review in the March 27 Calendar section of Lionel Richie’s “Tuskegee” album said that Richie “revisits his monster duets from the ‘80s with country stars....” The album consists of new duet versions of songs that Richie previously recorded solo, except for “Endless Love,” which originally was a duet with Diana Ross.

Patience Abbe obituary: In the March 26 LATExtra section, the obituary of Patience Abbe, who as a child wrote a best-selling book with her two brothers, said that her brother Richard was a U.S. appellate judge. He was an associate justice of the California state Court of Appeal.
