Here’s our look at the Trump administration and the rest of Washington:
- Anthony Scaramucci is forced out just 10 days after being named incoming White House communications director
- White House says Trump is fully confident in his Cabinet, apparently including Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions
- Trump swears in retired Gen. John F. Kelly as his new chief of staff
- The most notable firings and resignations in the Trump White House
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Trump called him “my African-American.” But he has few kind words for the president.
On the day that changed his life, Gregory Cheadle almost stayed in bed.
He was tired — he traveled a lot in his long-shot bid for Congress — but asked himself: How often does a candidate for president come to the far reaches of Northern California? And why pass up a crowd and the chance to hand out more fliers?
So Cheadle roused himself that June 2016 morning and secured a spot up close when Donald Trump swooped in for a rally at Redding’s municipal airport.
It was hot, the atmosphere was loose and Trump’s patter seeming more stand-up comedy than campaign spiel. He went into one of those sidelong digressions, about protesters and an African American — “great fan, great guy” — and, by the way, whatever happened to him?
It was then, Cheadle said, he raised his hand and jokingly shouted, “I’m here.”
Trump looked and pointed, his voice a throaty rumble. “Look at my African-American over here!” he exclaimed. “Are you the greatest?”
In the days and weeks that followed Cheadle was attacked on social media and harassed by people who dug up his phone number and email address. For a time he stayed home, too nervous to venture outside.
All, he said, because the media portrayed him as something he was not and never has been: a Trump sycophant.
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Trump quietly signs Russia sanctions bill
President Trump quietly signed legislation Wednesday that imposes new sanctions on Russia and limits his ability to remove them, according to two White House aides.
Trump signed the bill without cameras or an immediate press release. He had opposed imposing new sanctions on Moscow but had little choice after a nearly unanimous Congress approved the bill, guaranteeing they would override a veto.
The bill, which also imposes new sanctions on Iran and North Korea, prevents American companies from investing in many energy projects that are funded by Russian government interests.
It also prevents Trump from unilaterally lifting the sanctions. It thus marked an unusual move by Congress to tie the president’s hands on foreign policy.
Trump did not want to give up that leverage.
But the vote in Congress was a strong sign that lawmakers do not trust Trump to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom Trump has repeatedly praised, and the widening federal investigation into possible coordination last year between his presidential campaign and Moscow.
Passage of the sanctions bill already has sparked a harsh reaction in Moscow.
Putin announced last week that the United States would need to shed 755 personnel, including U.S. diplomats, from its embassy and consulates in Russia. President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats, said to be spies, from the United States last December.
A White House aide said a statement would be issued later Wednesday.
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Senior GOP senators serve notice: No action on healthcare at this point
Trump administration officials continue to push the Senate to take another run at healthcare legislation, but on Monday senior Republican senators pushed back, making clear that they’re done with the topic for now.
“There’s just too much animosity and we’re too divided on healthcare,” Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), the head of the Senate Finance Committee, said in an interview with Reuters.
“I think we ought to acknowledge that we can come back to healthcare afterward, but we need to move ahead on tax reform,” Hatch said.
His remarks were quickly followed by others in GOP leadership positions.
“I think it’s time to move on to something else,” Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri told CNN. “If the question is do I think we should stay on healthcare until we get it done, I think it’s time to move on to something else.”
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota also chimed in. “Until someone shows us how to get that elusive 50th vote, I think it’s over,” he told reporters.
The remarks seemed a coordinated effort to respond to administration officials, including budget director Mick Mulvaney and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who said over the weekend that they wanted the Senate to keep working on healthcare.
Last week, the Senate defeated several different Republican plans to repeal all or part of the Affordable Care Act. The votes made it clear that with unified Democratic opposition to repeal, and divisions among Republicans, the campaign to overturn the law has stalled out, at least for now.
Congress faces several other pressing issues that will be demanding lawmakers’ attention, including deadlines at the end of September to raise the federal debt ceiling and fund government agencies for the coming fiscal year. And the administration is eager to move on tax proposals, with officials rather optimistically saying they hope to see votes by November on a tax package that is not yet written.
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Good news for Atty. Gen. Sessions: Trump has ‘100% confidence’ in Cabinet
President Trump has called Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions “beleaguered” and even “VERY weak,” but Sessions seemed to get good news from the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on Monday.
Trump has “100% confidence” in all of his Cabinet secretaries, Sanders said in response to a question about Sessions’ job status during the daily White House briefing.
Last week, when speculation about Sessions was rife, Sanders repeatedly declined opportunities to provide assurances that the attorney general enjoyed the president’s full confidence. Trump himself said “time will tell” when he was asked last week about Sessions.
The willingness to tamp down speculation about Sessions may reflect the arrival Monday of retired Gen. John F. Kelly as the new White House chief of staff. He is tasked with restoring order to the administration.
Sanders also batted down reports that the White House was discussing moving Sessions to another post, as secretary of Homeland Security. That job became vacant Monday after Kelly was sworn in as Trump’s new chief of staff.
Sanders said the White House has had “no conversations” about any Cabinet members switching jobs.
Republican senators have publicly opposed firing Sessions, and a couple have objected to shifting him to another post as well, given that it could appear that Trump is trying to affect the investigations of himself and his campaign in the context of Russia’s election interference.
Trump has said publicly that his frustration with Sessions, once among his closest allies, stems from Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation, an act that led to the appointment of a special counsel.
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Can Trump really cut health insurance payments for members of Congress and their staff? It would be easy
Reeling from the failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act, President Trump now threatens to block federal funding that lawmakers and their staff rely on to help buy health insurance.
Trump’s threats are not empty. The administration could simply stop the payments -- which are provided to Capitol Hill lawmakers and staff much the way many employers help pay employees’ monthly insurance premiums -- by dashing off new federal regulation.
But the easy attack on lawmakers skims over what many say was a complicated, but fair-minded, compromise made during the Obamacare debates several years ago.
Under Obamacare, if lawmakers want insurance through their employer - the federal government - they are required to buy policies through the ACA exchanges.
There had been great criticism at the time, largely from opponents of the healthcare bill, that lawmakers and congressional staff should not be exempt from the law. The argument was they should have to live under it. So they did.
Usually those buying individual insurance on the exchanges can apply to see if their income and geographic area allow them to qualify for a federal subsidy. For lawmakers, though, that was prohibited. Instead, they get the regular employer contribution they did before, much in the same way other workers do when their companies buy insurance.
For federal workers, the government covers about 70% of the costs, about the same paid by employers in the private sector, according to Kaiser Family Foundation.
The administration affirmed that federal support for lawmakers and their staffs in an Office of Personnel Management regulation issued in 2013.
To cut those funds off, Trump administration could simply reverse course, and issue another regulation changing the rules.
Trump appeared ready to do so in a series of weekend tweets.
“Why should Congress not be paying what public pays,” Trump tweeted over the weekend. “If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon.”
But such a move would likely cause an uproar in Congress. It’s not just members of Congress, but also their staffs, who would have to pay full price for their insurance.
Stopping Trump’s action, though, seems tough. It would require Congress to pass legislation ensuring the federal payments would continue to be made. Few lawmakers would likely take up that cause. And even if Congress were able to pass a bill protecting the payments, it seems doubtful Trump at this point would sign it into law.
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U.S. hits Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with sanctions
The Trump administration has hit Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with financial sanctions.
The move comes after Venezuela held a weekend election that will give Maduro’s ruling party virtually unlimited power in the South American country.
The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced the sanctions against Maduro in a brief statement on Monday, a day after the Venezuelan vote to elect a constituent assembly that will rewrite the constitution. A longer explanation from the White House was also expected.
The administration imposed sanctions on more than a dozen senior current and former Venezuelan officials last week, warning the socialist government that new penalties would come if Maduro went ahead with Sunday’s election for the assembly.
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Watch live: Anthony Scaramucci’s removal addressed at White House news briefing
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Anthony Scaramucci is out as White House communications director
Anthony Scaramucci, the brash New Yorker who was announced little more than a week ago as President Trump’s White House communications director, was ousted Monday before he had even officially taken the job.
John F. Kelly, the newly sworn-in White House chief of staff, told Scaramucci around 9:30 a.m. EDT that he was going to be replaced, according to a person close to White House.
In a statement officially announcing the move, the White House said Scaramucci “felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team.”
While Scaramucci’s time at the center of the president’s circle was short, it was consequential, prompting the resignations of first Sean Spicer as White House press secretary and then Reince Priebus as chief of staff.
The most notable firings and resignations in the Trump administration >>
A former hedge fund executive on Wall Street, Scaramucci, who enjoyed media attention, also had come on strong stylistically, highlighted by a profane tirade against colleagues Priebus and Trump strategist Steve Bannon in an exchange last week with a New Yorker reporter.
The abrupt shift in Scaramucci’s status seemed to reflect Kelly’s mission to bring order to the chain of command within the chaotic administration.
In getting Scaramucci to leave, Kelly was undoing Trump’s own hiring decision. Scaramucci had told reporters when he was hired that he would be reporting directly to the president at Trump’s request, bypassing the normal chain that would have the communications director -- like all staff -- report to the chief of staff.
Scaramucci’s unusually short tenure reflects a moment of extreme turbulence in the White House, which has been embroiled in infighting as it confronts low poll numbers for the president, a floundering legislative agenda and the investigations involving Russian meddling in last year’s presidential election.
After word spread of Scaramucci’s ouster, Spicer, who resigned when Scaramucci took over but was still working in the White House, walked out of his office to a throng of reporters.
“Is this a surprise party?” he asked.
12:15 p.m.: This story has been updated throughout with additional details and background.
This article was originally published at 11:49 a.m.
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Trump swears in John Kelly, says ex-secretary of Homeland Security will do ‘an even better job as chief of staff’
President Trump swore in his new chief of staff, John F. Kelly, on Monday morning, formalizing a shake-up in his top ranks that was announced Friday evening with word of the resignation of Reince Priebus.
“We look forward to - if it’s possible - an even better job as chief of staff,” Trump said to Kelly, formerly the secretary of homeland security.
“I’ll try, sir,” Kelly replied.
Trump is hoping that Kelly, a retired general, will retool and bring order to a White House that has struggled with low poll numbers, staff infighting, a faltering legislative agenda and an investigation into Russian election meddling and potential collusion and obstruction of justice.
Yet Trump said the administration “has done very well” after a reporter asked what would be different under Kelly. He cited the unemployment rate, the thriving stock market and unnamed polls that, he said, show high business confidence.
“We’re doing very well. We have a tremendous base,” he said.”The country is optimistic. And I think the general will just add to it.”
Trump praised Kelly’s performance at the Department of Homeland Security, where Kelly focused on immigration issues at the southern border, as “record-shattering,” with “very little controversy.”
There was no word on whom the president might name to replace Kelly at the department. Trump reportedly has considered moving Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions there from the Justice Department, reflecting his unhappiness with the attorney general, but Republican senators preemptively have signaled their opposition to such a move.
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Risky investigation, stalled agenda — Trump’s in trouble, so here’s his strategy
Hosts of Southern California’s “Morning Answer” radio show were wrapping up a two-hour live broadcast from a white tent just outside the West Wing last week and marveling at their access to Cabinet secretaries and prominent administration figures.
“If you’re a Trumpkin,” host Brian Whitman told his listeners on AM 870, “this is like fantasy camp.”
The White House’s daylong hospitality for Salem Radio Network, a nationwide chain of Christian and conservative stations, underscored President Trump’s continued courtship of — and increased dependence on — core supporters as he confronts a stalled agenda and increasingly perilous investigations into whether his campaign colluded with Russia and he subsequently sought to obstruct the inquiries.
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Obamacare vote isn’t the only sign of GOP resistance to Trump
In the year since Donald Trump won the Republican presidential nomination, party leaders have been reluctant to challenge a man who has formed a tight bond with conservative voters, even when he upset party orthodoxies and norms of presidential behavior.
But that reticence is breaking down. A convergence of contentious issues, as well as embarrassing infighting and shake-ups at the White House, have a number of Republicans suddenly in open resistance to Trump on a number of fronts.
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Trump ousts Reince Priebus as chief of staff in latest White House shake-up
President Trump ousted his beleaguered chief of staff, Reince Priebus, naming Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly to replace him Friday in the latest White House shake-up as the administration struggles to emerge from bitter staff infighting and a stalled legislative agenda.
Trump announced the abrupt reshuffle in three posts on Twitter hours after the Senate killed his latest plans to rewrite President Obama’s signature healthcare law, dealing another harsh blow to the White House.
The tweets, sent as Trump was returning on Air Force One with Priebus after a speech on gang violence in New York, caught Capitol Hill and others off guard even though Priebus’ stature in Trump’s inner circle has been in sharp decline for some time.
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Putin’s spokesman accuses U.S. of ‘political schizophrenia’
Russia urged the United States on Monday to show “political will” to mend ties even as it ordered sweeping cuts of U.S. embassy personnel unseen since Cold War times.
President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said it will take time for the U.S. to recover from what he called “political schizophrenia,” but added that Russia remains interested in constructive cooperation with the U.S.
“We are interested in a steady development of our ties and are sorry to note that we are still far from that,” he said.
Peskov’s statement followed Sunday’s televised comments by Putin, who said the U.S. would have to cut 755 of its embassy and consulate staff in Russia, a massive reduction he described as a response to new U.S. sanctions.
The Russian Foreign Ministry had previously said that the U.S. should cut its embassy and consular employees to 455, the number that Russia has in the United States. Along with the caps on embassy personnel announced Friday, it also declared the closure of a U.S. recreational retreat on the outskirts of Moscow and warehouse facilities.
Moscow’s action is the long-expected tit-for-tat response to former President Obama’s move to expel 35 Russian diplomats and shut down two Russian recreational retreats in the U.S. over reports of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
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White House urged to refrain from Obamacare ‘sabotage’ as Trump mulls subsidy cutoff
A pair of prominent lawmakers urged President Trump on Sunday not to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, in the wake of failed Republican efforts to scrap his predecessor’s signature legislative achievement.
But Trump urged GOP senators to try again to push through some version of repealing and replacing the law, even though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said last week it was time to move on to other matters.
Trump senior advisor Kellyanne Conway said the president would decide in coming days whether to block subsidies that are a crucial component of the existing healthcare law.
“He’s going to make that decision this week, and that’s a decision that only he can make,” Conway said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Two of the lawmakers who blocked the Senate GOP repeal plan last week, however, criticized the administration’s continued efforts to overturn the law.
Sen. Susan Collins, the Maine Republican who steadfastly rejected a series of GOP healthcare measures last week, blamed the Trump administration for encouraging instability in the insurance markets by continuing the uncertainty over whether the subsidies – cost-sharing payments that reduce out-of-pocket healthcare costs for poorer Americans – would continue.
“I’m troubled by the uncertainty that has been created by the administration,” Collins said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” She contested Trump’s characterization of the payments as an “insurance company bailout.”
“That’s not what it is,” she said, calling the reduction payments “vital assistance” to low-income Americans.
And Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said further action on healthcare should be done in a bipartisan manner and not rushed.
“You cannot do major entitlement reform singlehandedly, and you wouldn’t do major legislative initiatives singlehandedly,” she told reporters in Alaska.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) echoed Collins’ criticism of Trump’s threat to stop making the cost-sharing payments.
“You know, I really think it’s incomprehensible that we have a president of the United States who wants to sabotage healthcare in America, make life more difficult for millions of people who are struggling now to get the health insurance they need and to pay for that health insurance,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Prior to heading out for a day at his Virginia golf property, Trump tweeted that Republican senators should press ahead with efforts to scrap Obamacare -- a day after he tauntingly exhorted them not to be “quitters” in the quest for a legislative victory for him.
The White House budget director, Mick Mulvaney, on CNN’s “State of the Union,” said it was official Trump administration policy that the Senate should keep working to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, eschewing an August recess if necessary.
Senators, he said, “need to stay, they need to work -- they need to pass something.”
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, while acknowledging a responsibility to “follow the law” -- Obamacare -- also signaled that Trump was not accepting defeat in efforts to get rid of the measure.
“Our goal…as well as the president’s goal, is to put in place a law, a system, that actually works for patients,” he said on “Meet the Press,” adding, “You can’t do that under the current structure.”
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Frustrated in defeat, Trump threatens healthcare of voters — and lawmakers
Frustrated by the failure of the Obamacare repeal in the Senate, President Trump on Saturday threatened to end federal subsidies for healthcare insurance — for Congress as well as the rest of the country.
“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted, fuming about Congress’ failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which he said was “imploding.”
Such a move could cause havoc and much higher premiums in insurance markets, since many low- and moderate-income people depend on those subsidies to help cover the cost of their policies. Through a series of administrative maneuvers by Congress and the Obama administration, members and their staffs also benefit from those subsidies.
Targeting congressional healthcare might score Trump some populist points with his base, but it would likely come at a cost of poisoning his relationship with Congress. Just making the threat on Saturday highlights how far things have eroded between Trump and top GOP lawmakers. And it comes a day after Trump pushed out former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, an establishment Republican who was the GOP congressional leadership’s trusted liaison in the White House.
Trump’s longstanding threat to let the health insurance plans fail would come with its own political price. The federal government sends about $600 million a month to insurance companies to help cover the cost, and Trump is threatening to cut that off to allow Obamacare markets to collapse.
His goal is to pressure Congress to send him a repeal bill, but so far the strategy has failed. The confidence Trump has expressed that if he followed through with the threat the fallout would land not on him but on Democrats, because they created Obamacare, is not widely shared in Washington.
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Iran condemns new U.S. sanctions, vows to pursue missile program
Iran defied Washington and condemned new U.S. sanctions over its development of missiles capable of being armed with nuclear warheads.
“We will continue with full power our missile program,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi told state television IRIB on Saturday, dismissing new sanctions passed by Congress last week as, “hostile, reprehensible and unacceptable.”
“It’s ultimately an effort to weaken the nuclear deal,” Ghasemi said, adding, “The military and missile fields … are our domestic policies and others have no right to intervene or comment on them.”
Iran had agreed to limit its nuclear activities under the 2015 agreement with the U.S. and other world powers in exchange for sanctions relief.
Ghasemi argued Saturday that the U.S. had violated that agreement by linking the missile program to the nuclear deal and restricting Iranian banking activities in the U.S. He argued that Iran’s latest missile tests don’t break the agreement because the weapons are defensive.
“The new wave of pressure on missile projects in Iran will push the Islamic theocracy into a corner,” predicted Iran analyst Hojjat Kalashi in Tehran, noting that the government of President Hassan Rouhani, who was reelected in May, is coping with an economic downturn and may step back from the compromise nuclear deal.
The new Iran sanctions bill, which also targets Russia and North Korea, was passed by the House and Senate this week. It would penalize those involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program as well as those who do business with them, impose an arms embargo on Iran and label its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said President Trump will sign the bill.
On Friday, the U.S. was joined by Britain, France and Germany in condemning Iran’s recent launch of a satellite-carrying rocket and warned that it violated a United Nations resolution implementing the 2015 nuclear deal.
In a joint statement, they urged Iran to stop developing missiles and rockets capable of carrying nuclear warheads that have “a destabilizing impact on the region.”
In response to a rocket launch Thursday, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on subsidiaries of an Iranian company involved in Tehran’s ballistic missile program.
But Nader Karimi Juni, an analyst close to Rouhani’s government, said Iranian leaders don’t believe the U.N. and European powers will ultimately back the U.S., and so Iran “will not compromise on missile projects and will remain defiant.”
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Trump jabs U.S. mayors, who push back, calling president ‘out of touch’ with cities
President Trump wants police to know that he – not mayors – has their back.
“I’ve met police that are great police that aren’t allowed to do their job because they have a pathetic mayor or a mayor that doesn’t know what’s going on,” Trump said Friday in a speech before police officers in Brentwood, N.Y.
The comments from Trump, who in his address highlighted crime in cities like Chicago and Los Angeles, drew applause from some in attendance.
In a statement following Trump’s remarks, the United States Conference of Mayors, a bipartisan group, released a statement pushing back against the president.
“The president’s comments today prove how out of touch he is with the realities of life in American cities. Mayors’ number one priority is – and always will be – the safety and protection of their residents,” said New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, the group’s president. “There is no daylight between the mayors of our cities and the uniformed officers who work tirelessly to keep us safe every single day.”
During the speech Trump called on police and immigration officials to be “rough” with suspected gang members in cities nationwide.
In a recent interview with The Times, former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who recently launched a $200-million initiative to empower city governments and mayors, stressed the key to good governing is experience as a manager – something, he said, Trump was not.
Bloomberg added that the mayors are much more in tune with the needs of residents than the federal government.
“You got to remember a mayor and the local city council are much closer to the public than the governor and the state legislature, or the president and the federal legislature. So if the public is in favor of something, the local officials know it and they get held responsible,” he said.
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Trump unleashes on Twitter after a tough week
President Trump was back on Twitter early Saturday morning, closing out a chaotic and disappointing week with one of his signature online rants.
He took no responsibility for the collapse of the GOP effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, instead suggesting Senate leaders are weak for refusing to change filibuster rules. (Even with the change in rules Trump is calling for, there were still not enough GOP votes in the Senate to repeal the Affordable Care Act.)
It wasn’t long ago that Trump was a fierce defender of those exact rules, attacking politicians who would tinker with them.
And it is not clear how the attack on the GOP leadership will help Trump advance his agenda.
Trump also turned his fire on those who worry he is too cozy with Russia, which seems to be most of Congress.
Trump’s suggestion that the Russians were more fearful of him being in the White House than Hillary Clinton is curious, as it is well documented that Russian President Vladimir Putin despised Clinton. But during the campaign, and into the Trump presidency, Putin and Trump have often had nice things to say about each other.
But that cordial relationship, amid revelations of Russian meddling in U.S. elections and investigations into possible collusion between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, hasn’t served Trump well of late.
The lack of faith Congress had in Trump to take a tough line with Russia was clear in its overwhelming vote to take the decision on sanctions out of his hand. The White House said Friday Trump would sign the bill, though he didn’t have much of a choice. A veto would have been met with a certain congressional override.
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Trump will sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says
President Trump will sign a package of stiff financial sanctions against Russia that passed Congress with overwhelming support, the White House said Friday.
Moscow has already responded, ordering a reduction in the number of U.S. diplomats in Russia and closing the U.S. Embassy’s recreation retreat.
Trump’s willingness to support the measure is a remarkable acknowledgement that he has yet to sell his party on his hopes of forging a warmer relationship with Moscow. His vow to extend a hand of cooperation to Russian President Vladimir Putin has been met with resistance as skeptical lawmakers look to limit the president’s leeway to go easy on Moscow over its alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
The Senate passed the bill, 98-2, two days after the House pushed the measure through by an overwhelming margin, 419-3. Both were veto-proof numbers.
The White House initially wavered on whether the president would sign the measure into law. But in a statement late Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump had “reviewed the final version and, based on its responsiveness to his negotiations, approves the bill and intends to sign it.”
Russia responds to sanctions bill by cutting U.S. diplomatic staff and seizing properties>>
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The growing parade of exits under Trump administration
A lot of people have left President Trump’s early administration — Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was replaced Friday.
The White House communications department has been the scene of many of the recent turnovers as it wrestles to craft a message sometimes at odds with Trump’s frequent tweeting.
At the National Security Council, there has been a leadership struggle since Michael Flynn resigned in the face of pressure over undisclosed contacts with Russia. One appointee was fired over comments he made at a private function. Others have been removed as Flynn’s successor, H.R. McMaster, has moved to add loyalists to the council.
Here are the most noteworthy departures:
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Trump urges officers and immigration officials to be ‘rough’ on ‘animals’ terrorizing U.S. neighborhoods
President Trump on Friday called for police and immigration officials to be “rough” with suspected gang members in order to rid the country of “animals” he said are terrorizing communities.
“Please don’t be too nice,” Trump told police recruits at Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood, a heavily Latino suburb of New York City. “Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know the way you put the hand … like, don’t hit their head, and they’ve just killed somebody? … You can take the hand away.”
He implied that he was satisfied with rough handling of suspects by the police. “When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon — you just see them thrown in, rough,” he said.
Scoffing at calls for what he describes as political correctness, Trump also renewed his pledges to build a wall along the Mexican border. He accused the Obama administration of admitting criminals into the United States.
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Analysis: In a Washington run by men, two overshadowed Republican women make their point on healthcare
In a Washington that has grown demonstrably more testosterone-fueled since President Trump’s inauguration, it took two Republican women to secure the end of a long effort to repeal and replace Obamacare.
They were the same two women — Maine Sen. Susan Collins and Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski — who had been excluded from the 13-member working group drafting the Republican bills.
“Nobody’s being excluded based upon gender. Everybody’s at the table,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had said of his all-white-males group.
In the early hours of Friday, the duo was overshadowed by the more dramatic and unexpected no vote from Sen. John McCain of Arizona.
There was reason for the attention lavished on McCain — a war hero and veteran senator returns to the Capitol days after a dire cancer diagnosis. But without both Collins’ and Murkowski’s steadfast opposition, his vote would have been meaningless.
Also largely overlooked: Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono, a Democrat who like McCain made an arduous trip to Washington despite her recent diagnosis of late-stage kidney cancer.
Social media buzzed Friday with praise for the women senators from many fronts, including from men. But from many women, there was also a sense of familiarity at being ignored or taken for granted.
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Clinton Foundation donor who was denied a visa settles leak case against the U.S.
A billionaire Nigerian businessman and major Clinton Foundation donor banned from entering the U.S. two years ago on terrorism grounds has settled a lawsuit against the U.S. government.
Gilbert Chagoury last year sued the FBI and other government agencies in U.S. District Court in Washington, saying he had been damaged by what he described as improper government leaks to the Los Angeles Times.
The Times reported last year that Chagoury had been denied a visa to travel to the U.S. in 2015 on suspicion that he had provided aid to terrorist groups. One document, citing unverified information from an unnamed source, said that Chagoury – who is of Lebanese heritage – had funneled funds to Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia and political group designated a terrorist organization by the U.S.
Chagoury, an ardent Lakers fan who for decades lived part of the year in Los Angeles, angrily denied that he ever provided funds for terrorism. He said the publicity forced him to sell his Beverly Hills mansion at a loss and caused a bank to close his account.
A philanthropist, Vatican ambassador and longtime friend of Bill Clinton, Chagoury once was invited to the White House after contributing to a Democratic get-out-the-vote campaign. He donated at least $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Emails released last year showed that a Bill Clinton aide pushed Hillary Clinton’s aides at the State Department to get Chagoury access to top U.S. diplomats.
In the settlement filed in court on Friday, the Justice Department said Chagoury has never appeared on the list of Specially Designated Nationals, figures such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers who are generally barred from doing business in the U.S.
The government did not grant Chagoury’s request for a court hearing to dispute the reports that led to his exclusion from the U.S.
“As I have often said, I have loved America my whole life because it was the land of freedom and justice,” he said in a statement, adding that he hopes the agreement will help repair his reputation.
The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Chagoury, who lives most of the time in Paris, has not applied for another visa, said his spokesman, Mark Corallo.
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Trump ousts Priebus, announces John Kelly as new chief of staff
President Trump announced via Twitter on Friday that he had named retired Gen. John Kelly, head of the Department of Homeland Security, as White House chief of staff, replacing Reince Priebus.
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Rep. John Delaney of Maryland to run for president
Rep. John Delaney of Maryland says he’s running for president, instead of governor or reelection, in 2018.
Delaney, a Democrat, announced his plans in a statement Friday.
The politically moderate banking entrepreneur is in his third term in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District, which includes western Maryland and a large section of Montgomery County, the state’s largest county.
The 54-year-old is worth roughly $90 million and is one of the House’s wealthiest members. He spent about $2 million to help finance his first House race in 2012.
His consideration of a possible Maryland gubernatorial bid months ago quickly drew interest in his House seat. Several candidates already have expressed interest in running for the seat.
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McCain set to head back to Arizona to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments
Sen. John McCain is headed home.
Hours after McCain spurned his party and voted in opposition to a GOP measure to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the senator’s office announced Friday he will return to Arizona to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments for his recent diagnosis of brain cancer.
McCain, 80, was found this month to have a brain tumor known as a glioblastoma. He is scheduled to return to Washington in September after his initial treatments.
The glioblastoma – an aggressive type of cancer – was discovered when McCain had a blood clot removed from above his left eye. According to the Mayo Clinic, which is overseeing McCain’s treatment, glioblastoma is difficult to treat.
After returning to Washington this week and voting in favor of opening Senate debate on repeal, McCain was among three Republicans early Friday morning to vote in opposition to a so-called skinny bill that would repeal the ACA, known as Obamacare. The move by McCain, who has served in the Senate since 1987, has drawn the ire of members in his own party and some in the right-wing media.
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McCain’s surprise vote doomed GOP healthcare bill, but did it open the door for Senate bipartisanship?
Sen. John McCain is usually happy to spar with reporters, but he ducked into an elevator ahead of the Senate healthcare vote late Thursday without saying a word about how he would vote.
Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, though, already knew the answer.
The Democratic leader had been talking with the Arizona Republican all week — four, five times a day — ever since McCain returned to work after being diagnosed with brain cancer.
Earlier in the week, McCain had dramatically salvaged the stalled GOP bill by voting to begin debate, only to go on to deliver a blistering speech against his own party leaders’ partisan, closed-door process in crafting it.
“We’ve been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle,” he told them. “We’re getting nothing done.”
Schumer and McCain have been longtime colleagues, a kind of frenemies who seem like throwbacks to an earlier era of Congress. They worked together on big legislation, including the 2013 immigration overhaul — grand ideas that seem all but impossible in today’s Congress.
They had plenty to discuss.
“About the Senate, about it working again, about working together, and about how this bill was so poor for the American people,” Schumer said.
“And he knew that, so did half his colleagues, but he had the courage to vote no.”
The moment stunned the Senate when McCain stepped up to cast his vote — a single down-turned finger — dooming the healthcare bill. Audible gasps filled the galleries, which were packed with onlookers.
But his vote — along with “no” votes from Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — did more than shelve the long campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
It cracked open a new divide in the Senate, which seems to be split not so much between Republicans and Democrats, but by those senators who want to work together versus those stuck in hardened partisan tribes.
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Watch live: Trump speaks on MS-13 gang-related deaths from Long Island
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U.S. hits Iran with more sanctions in response to satellite launch
The United States is slapping Iran with new sanctions in response to its launch of a satellite-carrying rocket into space this week.
The sanctions target six Iranian subsidiaries of the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group. The Treasury Department says that group is “central” to Iran’s ballistic missile program.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says the sanctions illustrate deep U.S. concerns about Iran’s missile testing and other actions. He says the U.S. will continue countering Iran’s ballistic missile program, including Thursday’s “provocative space launch.”
The U.S. has said that launch flouted a U.N. Security Council resolution because the technology is inherently designed to be able to carry a nuclear payload.
The sanctions come as the Trump administration continues debating its Iran policy and whether to scrap the 2015 multilateral deal that limits the development of Iran’s nuclear capabilities.
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‘Political betrayal.’ McCain vote against Obamacare repeal draws ire from conservative writers
Though John McCain was one of three Republicans who helped Democrats squash the legislation to repeal Obamacare, conservative media is homing in on the Arizona senator for spurning his party in the healthcare vote.
Here are some of today’s headlines:
John McCain: Traitor to the conservative cause (Washington Times)
McCain, who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer, has been a staunch opponent of Obamacare, but in the end he could not support the so-called skinny repeal measure put forward by his colleagues in the Senate.
In this piece, Cheryl K. Chumley, jabs McCain for his vote.
“For American voters expecting their Republican-dominated House, Senate and White House to honor their years of repeal promises and actually, well, repeal Obamacare, McCain’s thumbs-down was a face-slap moment that will be remembered in history as a textbook classic case of political betrayal,” she writes.
McCain’s odd definition of ‘leading the fight to stop Obamacare’ (National Review)
This article is simple – it’s a quick compare-and-contrast of McCain’s recent comments versus his vote on Friday.
Last year, during a tough reelection, McCain’s campaign ran a television ad that boasted the senator is “leading the fight to stop Obamacare.”
But last night his office put out a statement noting the GOP Senate bill did not offer a “replacement to actually reform our health care system and deliver affordable, quality health care to our citizens.”
The author of this piece, Jim Geraghty, concludes: “It’s very difficult to characterize McCain’s decision as ‘leading the fight to stop Obamacare.’ That’s more like leading the fight to keep Obamacare in place while you continue to look for a replacement that you like better.”
John McCain burns Mitch McConnell sides with Democrats (American Spectator)
When McConnell, the majority leader, stood on the Senate floor Friday after the bill’s failure, he was clearly annoyed.
McCain’s “no” vote had led to applause moments earlier from Democrats.
“In a move that’s no surprise to anyone, John McCain voted against the embarrassingly named ‘Skinny Repeal,’ voted against his party (or is it his party?) and voted to keep Obamacare going as is,” writes Melissa Mackenzie.
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Meet the two female GOP senators who opposed the healthcare bill from the start
Sen. John McCain shocked Republicans and Democrats alike with his vote early Friday morning to kill the latest Republican effort to repeal Obamacare.
But McCain was not the only Republican to play a role in blocking the final version of the overhaul bill.
Two female Republican lawmakers, Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, also voted against the bill.
Collins has opposed repeal and replace efforts from the beginning, and Murkowski has also been critical of much of what the Senate Republican leadership has proposed.
Collins said it would be a “big mistake” for Republicans to pass legislation without trying seriously to work with Democrats to reach bipartisan solutions. Instead, she called for both parties to work together to improve the healthcare system.
Murkowski and Collins were the first from their party to come out against repealing the ACA without having new, replacement legislation on the table.
In statements posted on Twitter, Collins, who voted against the same proposal in 2015, said she did not think it was “constructive” to repeal the law without a replacement, while Murkowski encouraged senators from both sides of the aisle to work together to address healthcare issues.
The two senators were also the only Republicans to vote against opening debate on repeal of Obamacare earlier this week.
Their opposition to Republican healthcare efforts has drawn a lot of criticism within the party, some of it expressed in vulgar, even violent terms.
Georgia Rep. Buddy Carter said in an interview Wednesday with MSNBC: “Somebody needs to go over there to that Senate and snatch a knot in their ass.”
A Texas congressman said the female senators narrowly avoided an “Aaron Burr-style” showdown with him.
President Trump publicly rebuked Murkowski on Twitter for her vote.
Trump has not criticized Collins by name for her vote, but warned Tuesday at a rally in Ohio that “any senator who votes against repeal and replace is telling America that they are fine with the Obamacare nightmare, and I predict they’ll have a lot of problems.”
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The current Senate GOP effort to repeal Obamacare is dead. Now what?
The sudden collapse of the GOP’s Senate campaign to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act does not mean the issue disappears.
Significant problems and challenges remain, particularly for Obamacare insurance marketplaces.
The defeat increases the odds that Congress will begin to look at a more limited approach to shore up the current law and stabilize markets.
The GOP’s repeal effort may return, but in the meantime here’s a look at what a temporary fix might look like:
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Paul Ryan responds to the failure of the GOP healthcare bill
House Speaker Paul Ryan said Friday that he’s “disappointed and frustrated” by the failure of Republican healthcare legislation in the Senate.
But Ryan said in a statement that “we should not give up” after promising for years to repeal and replace Obamacare.
“We were sent to Washington to fulfill the pledges we made to our constituents,” the statement said. “While the House delivered a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, unfortunately the Senate was unable to reach a consensus.”
At the same time, the speaker said that overhauling the tax code is at the top of the House’s list of priorities.
He pledged to pursue “historic tax reform” in the fall.
He issued his statement as the House prepared to leave Washington for its annual August recess.
The House passed legislation repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act in May. But after a failed vote early Friday in the Senate, it’s not clear if GOP leaders will be able to resuscitate the efforts.
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Economic growth rebounded to 2.6% annual rate in second quarter
The U.S. economy rebounded this spring after a weak winter, expanding at a solid 2.6% annual rate as consumers picked up their spending pace, the Commerce Department said Friday.
Total economic output, also known as gross domestic product, for the April-through-June period was in line with analyst expectations for a bounce-back based in part on pent-up demand.
The economic growth rate was more than double the 1.2% pace in the first quarter. That figure was revised down Friday from an earlier estimate of 1.4%.
“After the winter blues, the economy has rebounded,” said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at Cal State Channel Islands.