
Letters: Too ‘friendly’ on Facebook


Re “Saving my face,” Opinion, Jan. 27

Diane O’Meara’s oddly impersonal recounting of how she became the face of Lennay Kekua, the fake girlfriend of Notre Dame football star Manti Te’o, mildly points to the hazards of social media but sidesteps the main issue: common sense.

O’Meara lists herself as an Internet and media analyst, but she committed the two most egregious and basic mistakes of Facebook: She accepted a friend request from someone she barely knew, and she sent a new picture with a requested pose to a stranger. Ask yourself this: If a rare acquaintance popped up after five years and asked you to send a picture to cheer up an ill friend who thought you were pretty, wouldn’t you tell him to Google Megan Fox and go away?


This is the stuff that keeps those Internet Nigerian princes rich.

Ken Capobianco

Long Beach

A wise man — my father — once told me that I would be a lucky man when I grew up if it took more than one hand on which to count my closest friends. Thankfully it does.

It is folly to think that one could have thousands of “friends.”

Michael P. Meyer

Los Angeles



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