
Opinion: ‘Only’ five people killed in a mass shooting? Hooray

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To the editor: The headline for this article in your print editing read, “Rampage ‘could have been so much worse.’ ” (“Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage, kills 4,” Nov. 15)

The idea that we should be grateful that the gunman, after killing his wife and hiding her body, killed “only” four more innocents is so terribly sad and noteworthy. This new normal of regular violence does not scare us enough, so we just accept it as part of being an American.

We stand up for many things in this country with great passion, as we should. But as long as we allow the Republican Party to repeat its tired mantra of “this isn’t the time to talk about gun control,” nothing will change.


Our children deserve to live in a safe world. The headline should have said, “More innocent victims died” and noted that it happened because lawmakers appear not to care about the problem.

Every single victim of these maniacs matters. We are their voices now, and we must speak very loudly until we are heard and gun laws are changed.

Frances Terrell Lippman, Sherman Oaks



To the editor: A sigh of relief. Only five people were killed.

No need for “thoughts and prayers” or for lowering flags — and especially no need to have a discussion on prevention, as five dead from gun violence is pretty much par for the course.

Jon Merritt, Los Angeles

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