
Readers React: Why does Scott Pruitt still have a job? Because this is no ordinary presidency

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt attends Cabinet meeting at the White House on April 9.
(Jim Lo Scalzo / EPA)
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To the editor: Only in President Trump’s alternate universe is Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, being talked about as possibly losing his job soon. (“Trump stands by EPA chief as probes into his conduct expand,” April 9)

In any real universe he would already be out of a job and be under investigation for misappropriation of funds, lying and concealing and just plain mismanagement.

Pruitt is the epitome of the “Peter principle,” as he has found his way to his highest level of incompetence. In the Trump universe, incompetence, elitism and loyalty are the criteria of employability.


Allan Rabinowitz, Los Angeles


To the editor: Pruitt says Washington is “toxic,” and once again we are forced to endure a bureaucrat or pundit for whom such words exist only as metaphors.

Here’s some news for Pruitt: In far too many places, our air is full of real toxicity, and it’s only getting worse on his watch. Thank goodness that outside Pruitt’s EPA, there’s growing momentum for prudent steps like carbon pricing.


Maybe in a post-Pruitt world we’ll find even more opportunities to clear the air. And by that I mean the actual stuff we breathe.

Dennis Arp, Brea

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